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Thumb gas
Counterpart to the "turning gas" e.g. with motorcycles. Thumb gas is more effective in rougher terrain or trial courses. When turning handlebars, the wrist is usually blocked by the posture of the body, that is why you ?dose? the acceleration better by your thumb better than with a turn of the wrist. Quads for motocross or supermoto use are usually converted to turning gas. Apart from ATVs and quads also jet ski and snowmobiles are equipped with thumb gas.
Towing device
Available at ARCTIC CAT as original accessory. Commercial trailers can be towed in consideration of the maximally permissible load.
Track chain
Chain systems for ATVs for the use on snow. Thanks to the large contact face of the track chains the driving characteristics on snow are ideal. The guidance effort however increases extremely, which can lead to a higher load and a faster wear of wheel bearing and chassis.
Tree belt
"Slip" or mountain belt put around the tree instead of the steel cable of the winch - thus the tree is not hurt.
Two persons homologation
All Arctic Cat vehicles (except for the model 400DVX) are homologated for 2 persons. Enough space for the pillion seat is available especially with the models with long wheel base, like the 400 3in1 and the 650H1 3in1.