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Service brake
Most quality vehicles are equipped with hydraulic disc brakes. There are different systems, either the discs are connected directly to the wheel or fixed at the axle at the drive shaft next to the angular gear. A disadvantage of the latter method is that maintenance is more laborious because access is not so easy and repair or exchange work takes longer. According to the homologation regulations, the operating brake assembly must be able to retard the vehicle with at least 5m/s2. Activated by means of the foot brake pump.
Shock absorber sleeve
Protection for the feather/spring/ unit of shock absorbers. Prevents damage of the immersion tube and decreases wear of the seals in adverse conditions.
Special form of ATVs where driver and passenger sit next to each other? a special characteristic of this type of vehicle, which is also called UTV (Utility Terrain Vehicle), is the steering wheel. Best example of this kind of utility vehicle is the Prowler of ARCTIC CAT.
Protection installed at the underside of the vehicles. The ARCTIC CAT provides a high density durable plastic skid plate which prevents very effectively from getting stuck at the ground and/or a damage of the framework.
Snow plow
Meanwhile a classical part of the accessories program, of course available also in ARCTIC CAT version. The manufacturers offer different systems to be used either manually, with winch, with electrohydraulics or screwdriven system.
The patented rack system SPEEDRACK facilitates a fast an simple installation of diverse accessory articles from transportation box to passenger seat. The speed rack system is an exclusive trademark of ARCTIC CAT.
Vehicles with independent suspension with stabilizers are not so likely to stumble in fast curves, but their offroad capability is not so high.